Wake Up With Me.


Is it possible all this technology is killing us?

Maybe it’s not putting the gun to our heads but it’s certainly loading the chamber with bullets.

As a man with several social media accounts and around 10,000 followers and friends, I’m starting to think that there should be a warning that comes with each social media account. Other than the slowly growing stigma, there are absolutely no warning labels that come with online social medias sites. But the truth is I could easily spend an hour just scrolling and reading people’s thoughts. And I love it. Until the moment I feel sickeningly overwhelmed and nauseated by too much input.

Should there be a warning label?

Not just for the addictive, voyeuristic side of social media, but for the deeper truth no one has admitted or been made aware of fully yet.

Maybe we don’t need to know all these thoughts of other people around us.

Maybe we don’t need to peer into the minds of our friends, our enemies and our neighbors. Maybe it’s just all too much for us to bear. I mean, physically, emotionally, spiritually, all around…  Maybe we were not meant to read minds or else we would have been given telepathic abilities. Instead, we find ourselves struggling with the weight of other’s burdens. And not in the Christ-like way of “carrying each other’s burdens”, but rather knowing each others intimate crap.

Knowing an illusion based off a constructed perception that has been meticulously pieced together and displayed for human consumption.  It’s usually not even real. Just a projection of someone’s “best” self.

And even that is subjective.

Knowing whose marriages are on the rocks. Knowing political views and stances. Knowing religious preferences. Sexuality. Fears. Insecurities. It allows us to make assessments from what is exposed, but not necessarily good and righteous altruisms of a person’s full character. In other words, we don’t know someone just because we see them wandering through FaceBookLand.

Offense is found so easily on the ol’ Interwebz and then carried blindly into real life circumstances. Because when you can’t see a person speak, or smiling as they say something to you then you don’t really know how it was intended. Or when you can’t see the affectations of their face, their humility or their pride, then you can’t really see, in words, how a sentence was delivered or should be received.

Let me tell you something I do like

My kids have access to a device that allows them to send me voice texts. I think we all should start sending voice texts instead of written ones. I know exactly what they’re trying to tell me, if it’s honest or if it’s urgent. And therefore misunderstandings almost never happen in that digital communication.

Back in the world again…

We need to get out in the world again.

We need to stop reading people’s minds and instead read their faces. I challenge you and myself to make this happen. A smile is such a powerful tool. An emoji, while cute as all get-out, is nothing compared to an actual smile, given for no reason.

Smiles break down walls. Smiles, turn would-be enemies into will-be friends. 

We as a nation have to wake up. We have slumbered far too long.

I enjoy entertainment probably more than the next guy, but I know when it’s become a detriment. Believe me,

Social media is entertainment. It’s not reality.

We need to find reality again.

Wake up with me.




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